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WINNOVATORS Consortium is made of 7 Project Partners from 5 different countries: Estonia, Slovenia, Serbia, Italy and Romania.

Tallinn University | Estonia | Coordinator


Tallinn University, the third largest public university in Estonia is a promoter of intelligent lifestyle aiming to make research-based decisions to improve the society. It supports sustainability and self-actualization of individuals, consolidating its research in Educational Innovation, Digital and Media Culture, Cultural Competences, Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle and Society and Open Governance.

University of Ljubljana | Slovenia | Partner


University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest higher education and scientific research institution in Slovenia. The University takes a central pedagogical position by performing public services in the areas of special social importance which ensure the preservation of the national identity. It has close ties with Slovenian companies and foreign enterprises.

BADEN | Serbia | Partner


Balkan Distance Education Network (BADEN) is an independent association founded for unlimited period of time in order to promote the use of high-level professional knowledge via education technologies and distance education. BADEN envisions the future society as one where education is accessible to all, no matter where they are, and where modern media give opportunities for permanent improvement and keeping pace with requirements of modern labour market.

VITECO | Italy | Partner


VITECO (Vitale Tecnologie Comunicazione) is an Italian SME located in Sicily. Its staff is formed by professionals with engineering and business administration backgrounds. It is a software and e-learning provider working both with national customers and European partners in EU projects. VITECO is a provider of technologies for long-distance training. It has its own e-learning platform and a solid expertise on open source platforms.

ICEBERG Consulting | Romania | Partner


Iceberg is an innovation consulting and tech transfer company based in Romania. Over the past 11 years, its team of multi-disciplinary experts has been developing a variety of projects for international institutions, government, large corporates, SMEs and start-ups from Central & Eastern Europe, covering such topics as infrastructure financing, research & innovation, digital transformation, e-government. The company has been involved in the regional, national, and European policy-making process, focusing on digital and innovation policies. As part of its new mission, it has organized open innovation workshops, technology transfer conferences, hackathons, pre-acceleration, acceleration and training programs for start-ups. Iceberg has also been a contact point for several EU and national programs and initiatives.

Association of Business Women in Serbia | Serbia | Partner


The largest national association of female entrepreneurs in Serbia, founded 24 years ago with more than 250 members, the Association of Business Women in Serbia (ABW Serbia) is a strong, well-known and respected partner in public-private dialogue, contributing to social and economic development and gender equality, with a special focus on female entrepreneurship as a factor of economic growth. So far, nearly 200 projects have been implemented and more than 6.000 women have participated in them.

SINERGIE | Italy | Partner


Sinergie Soc. Cons. a r.l. is a non-profit Training and Research Centre, registered in the regional board of VET providers, in the national register of research centres and in QUESTIO system as centre for research and technological transfer. Founded in 2001, Sinergie aims at fostering knowledge and skills development in the field of education and R&D, in particular for the following sectors: ICT, Energy, Environment, Safety and Security, Heath, Social Sciences.


  • ANDRAS: Adult Education Network of Estonia
  • KODUKANT: Estonian Village Movement
  • B2: company in the field of computer trainings, e-learning, software, system solutions and formal education
  • VSAK Institute for Digital Education
  • e-Medine: e-Mediterranean in Europe
  • Village Srl: consulenza e servizi aziendali
  • JO Education: innovation hub
  • AIESEC Serbia: international students’ organisation
  • FONIS: local students’ organisation focusing on software engineering and information system education